A woman wrote a while back and said she had been searching everywhere for a company that could put a particular photograph in a globe and she was so happy to have found us. The digital photograph she sent was black and white, a simple farmhouse in the snow, and the plate said "Our House."
We completed the order and sent it off without much fanfare.
A week later, we got another email order with a photo of the same house. The note said "I loved the globe you made for my mom. I should have thought of this when I had that one made, but I would like one for myself. Please duplicate the original order."
So we made that snow globe and shipped it off.

A few days later, a third email arrived. “Please make another snow globe of this same photo and engrave the plate to say 'Our house' just the same as the first two. My sister-in-law wants to order another one to give to my brother.”
We are still holding the photo in her file, just in case we hear from her again. If three globes is good, four is even better.
See more custom snow globes in our gallery.
When designing Snow Globes go to our gallery to see Custom Snow Globe that where very Personalized Snow Globes.
Snow Globe Central
October 20, 2009