
Oh no! My Snow Globe broke!

It happens every year: Folks take out their favorite holiday decorations and discover a treasured snow globe hasn't weathered the storm. It might have become cloudy, or the liquid may have turned orange, or perhaps the glass globe itself is broken! We will gladly work with you to turn that heart-wrenching moment into a renewed smile of joy. If your holiday just doesn't feel complete without this particular globe, Snow Globe Central repair can come to the rescue. We repair GLASS globes, and work hard to make special snow globes look as good as new. Please check out our specifics,...

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Flying with Snow Globes, A Reminder

While we are happy to make custom snow globes all year round, and repair them whenever someone needs a globe fixed, December remains a peak time for folks to give and get snow globes. If you plan to carry a snow globe with you on an airplane trip, please remember: while TSA has "relaxed" snow globe guidelines, they are still very strict about what can and can NOT go in your carry on luggage. A snow globe that is larger than a ping pong ball may be confiscated at the security gate. The official language from TSA says, "Some Snow Globes...

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Confetti Mailbag: We get Questions!

We get lots and lots of questions, and often it's about confetti. "Do I really get to CHOOSE the confetti that goes in my snow globe?" People are so excited to see the many choices they have in designing their own custom snow globe, sometimes the selection of confetti shapes makes it hard for people to decide. Here are a few confetti questions we've received recently. Dear Snow Globe Central: I'm almost ready to order some Christmas Snow Globes for my family. I saw all the confetti choices and couldn't decide where to start. Can you tell me which are the most popular...

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Repair your globe? It was our pleasure

There's something pretty special about hearing back from a satisfied customer, and young Steele was no exception.While some kids cuddle a teddy bear or like to hold a particular blanket, Steele had a favorite snow globe. Luckily, someone clever saved all the broken parts, packed them carefully and sent them to Snow Globe Central, where we were able to put this Humpty Dumpty of a snow globe all back together. We'd like to say pretty close to "good as new." Because while we like to make custom snow globes, when we can repair a broken snow globe -- one that has special and sentimental...

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How Much I Love You

When there's someone special in your life, you want to tell them how much they mean to you.We're not knocking cards, and flowers, and huge boxes of chocolates -- these are all great ways to say "I think you're swell." But if you want to give a gift that is as unique as your love, a gift that nobody else could give their sweetheart, try a one-of-a-kind, custom snow globe by Snow Globe Central.You pick your favorite photo, and write the words you want inscribed on a custom brass plate -- you make this gift as special as the way you feel.For...

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