You can’t be around snow globes as much as we are and not keep an eye out for collectibles. The boss gets them as gifts and if he ever retires, he could open a museum with his collection of collectible custom snow globes.
One of the oldest is a 2.5” diameter globe and it says “Speckletone Frostone French Paper Co.” Inside the globe is a little plastic figure, maybe a Gendarme, carrying a sheaf of papers marked “FPC.” There are a couple plastic trees and and a plastic factory with a nice plume of white smoke showing how productive they were.
One of the rarest is probably the Enron globe that was made just months before that company vanished. No idea how that corporate snow globe was intended to be used, but it’s got a nicely crafted red “E’ inside.
This one, made in Germany, features a circus strong man, but the liquid is slowly evaporating. Due to the unusual glass shape, we aren’t able to repair it, so all we can do is note that in a few years, it will probably be dry.

For those who take collecting advertising and antique snow globes to a new level, here are a few of the hundreds of globes he has in the conference room.

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