It's Never Too Late ...... to say I Love You!

Valentine's Day is here, and you want to say it one more time.
You are my sweetie, my bubbles, my funny face, my dorky valentine.
<3 Be Mine?

 Don't forget that you can still gift your sweetheart instantly with a Gift Certificate from Snow Globe Central. NOT because you are a procrastinator, or because with all the hearts and flowers in the stores, you still FORGOT ... no, no, no!
Remember: The reason you are giving your sugar-bunny a gift certificate is because you wanted to share the joy of making your very own custom, hand-crafted snow globe together. You wanted to sort through all your favorite photos to find the two that represent your own feelings like nobody else can EVER understand. You want you and lovey-dovey, sweetie-pie to examine all 54 glitters and confetti shapes and colors to choose the combination that really captures that one-of-a-kind feeling you have. To brainstorm the favorite saying you will engrave on the base. Awwww, it's going to be as unique as your feelings for each other!
Are you ready to say "you're my honeybunch" with a snow globe?


Snow Globe Central
February 14, 2012

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