June may be the month when shoes come off and children run through sprinklers. It's also the month where parents reflect on the past school year and how much that special teacher meant in the life of a child.
Yes, you could give a ceramic apple. You could give a gift certificate for a cup of coffee. Or (and we are biased here), you can give a one-of-a-kind custom Snow Globe, that you and your child design together, to leave a lasting impression on that teacher. The sparkling memory that lasts in a Snow Globe.
A good teacher, a kind person, a role model and leader --- worth his or her weight in Snow globes, we think. So take a look at our 50+ confetti shapes and sparkles, the custom bases and write your own engraved plate. You meant to thank that teacher in a way that would not be forgotten: now is your chance. Give a one of a kind Snow Globe from Snow Globe Central and be sure your child's teacher knows the effort was appreciated by your family.