Apparently, they have also been asked to make a snow globe to commemorate the inauguration of each American president for the last five presidencies. Unfortunately, they got a little backedup in production and missed Barack Obama’s inauguration.
Word is, the presidential snow globe was on the way (just a little late), and they are very, very sorry. Yikes.
Frankly, Snow Globe Central isn’t large enough yet that we would forget to make a snow globe for the president’s inauguration. It simply wouldn’t happen. That’s not a slam on their factory, at all, just saying we are pretty sure that a custom snow globe for the President of the United States would stand out in our pile of orders.
We’re still small enough that we treat every order like it IS for the President’s Inauguration. While increasing business is great, fulfilling expectations and meeting deadlines is still important. I think that’s a good thing.
And, since they invented snow globes, we have to say, thanks for that. Feel free to call us the next time you get backed up on your orders. We can always fit something in for the President, or another special occasion that needs a snow globe.
Contact us for more information about our Snow Globes, we would love to help out.
When designing Snow Globes go to our gallery to see Custom Snow Globe that is where there are very Personalized Snow Globes or Snow Globe.
Snow Globe Central
November 4, 2009